Github Command Line Cheat Sheet

  1. Command Line Linux Cheat Sheet Github
  2. Github Command Line Cheat Sheet
  3. Git Cli Cheat Sheet

Command Line Cheat Sheet Our cheat sheet explains the essential tasks on the command line. Download it for free. For many, the command line belongs to long gone days: when computers were controlled by typing mystical commands into a black window; when the mouse possessed no power. This cheat sheet features the most important and commonly used Git commands for easy reference. INSTALLATION & GUIS With platform specific installers for Git, GitHub also provides the ease of staying up-to-date with the latest releases of the command line.

Command Line Linux Cheat Sheet Github

Git cli cheat sheet

1. Git configuration

  • Git config
    Get and set configuration variables that control all facets of how Git looks and operates.
    Set the name:
    $ git config --global 'User name'
    Set the email:
    $ git config --global ''
    Set the default editor:
    $ git config --global core.editor Vim
    Check the setting:
    $ git config -list
  • Git alias
    Set up an alias for each command:
    $ git config --global checkout
    $ git config --global branch
    $ git config --global commit
    $ git config --global status

2. Starting a project

  • Git init
    Create a local repository:
    $ git init
  • Git clone
    Make a local copy of the server repository.
    $ git clone

3. Local changes

  • Git add
    Add a file to staging (Index) area:
    $ git add Filename
    Add all files of a repo to staging (Index) area:
    $ git add*
  • Git commit
    Record or snapshots the file permanently in the version history with a message.
    $ git commit -m ' Commit Message'

4. Track changes

  • Git diff
    Track the changes that have not been staged: $ git diff
    Track the changes that have staged but not committed:
    $ git diff --staged
    Track the changes after committing a file:
    $ git diff HEAD
    Track the changes between two commits:
    $ git diff Git Diff Branches:
    $ git diff List Branch:
    $ git branch --list Delete a Branch:
    $ git branch -d Rename Branch:
    $ git branch -m
  • Git checkout
    Switch between branches in a repository.
    Switch to a particular branch:
    $ git checkout
    Create a new branch and switch to it:
    $ git checkout -b Checkout a Remote branch:
    $ git checkout
  • Git stash
    Switch branches without committing the current branch. Stash current work:
    $ git stash
    Saving stashes with a message:
    $ git stash save '
    Check the stored stashes:
    $ git stash list
    Re-apply the changes that you just stashed:
    $ git stash apply
    Track the stashes and their changes:
    $ git stash show
    Re-apply the previous commits:
    $ git stash pop
    Delete a most recent stash from the queue:
    $ git stash drop
    Delete all the available stashes at once:
    $ git stash clear
    Stash work on a separate branch:
    $ git stash branch
  • Git cherry pic
    Apply the changes introduced by some existing commit:
    $ git cherry-pick

8. Merging

  • Git merge
    Merge the branches:
    $ git merge
    Continue the rebasing process:
    $ git rebase -continue Abort the rebasing process:
    $ git rebase --skip
  • Git interactive rebase
    Allow various operations like edit, rewrite, reorder, and more on existing commits.
    $ git rebase -i

9. Remote

  • Git remote
    Check the configuration of the remote server:
    $ git remote -v
    Add a remote for the repository:
    $ git remote add Fetch the data from the remote server:
    $ git fetch
    Remove a remote connection from the repository:
    $ git remote rm
    Rename remote server:
    $ git remote rename
    Show additional information about a particular remote:
    $ git remote show
    Change remote:
    $ git remote set-url
  • Git origin master
    Push data to the remote server:
    $ git push origin master Pull data from remote server:
    $ git pull origin master

10. Pushing Updates

  • Git push
    Transfer the commits from your local repository to a remote server. Push data to the remote server:
    $ git push origin master Force push data:
    $ git push -f
    Delete a remote branch by push command:
    $ git push origin -delete edited

11. Pulling updates

  • Git pull
    Pull the data from the server:
    $ git pull origin master
    Pull a remote branch:
    $ git pull
  • Git fetch
    Download branches and tags from one or more repositories. Fetch the remote repository:
    $ git fetch< repository Url> Fetch a specific branch:
    $ git fetch

    Our cheat sheet not only features the most important commands. On the back, it also explains some tips & tricks that make working with the CLI a lot easier.

    GitHub - ari-hacks/command-line-cheat-sheet: 📝 A place to quickly lookup commands (bash, vim, git, AWS, Docker, Terraform, Ansible, kubectl). Linux command line cheat sheets website. Contribute to ireaneus/linux-cheat-sheets development by creating an account on GitHub.

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    Github Command Line Cheat Sheet

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