Selenium Python Cheat Sheet

Feb 4, 2019 - Explore Ravindra Sitale's board 'Selenium WebDriver Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet from Narayanan Palani. Selenium WebDriver Version 31' on Pinterest. See more ideas about selenium, software testing, computer programming. A Cheatsheet on how to use selenium. The link to these cheatsheet can be found here. If you liked this article and think others should read it, please share it on Twitter or Facebook. Selenium WebDriver with Python Cheat Sheet This blog article lists Python Selenium WebDriver commands which are helpful to automate Web Application Testing.

Hi Jyotsana, you can manually set proxy settings of a browser using Python Selenium Webdriver this way: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import Proxy, ProxyType prox = Proxy prox.proxytype = ProxyType.MANUAL prox.httpproxy = 'ipaddr:port' prox.socksproxy = 'ipaddr:port' prox.sslproxy = 'ipaddr:port' capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME. So, I enjoy using Selenium WebDriver. You can find lots of materials in my WebDriver Series. A big part of the job of writing maintainable and stable web automation is related to finding the proper element's locators. So, I created the first and most exhaustive Selenium WebDriver cheat sheet dedicated to the locators.

Acceptance tests are an important final step to take when releasing anything you may have designed, to make sure that the software you have created meets the requirements and specifications laid out when you designed and planned your application or platform. Automated testing is an integral tool to use to efficiently and accurately test your product for release.

In order to write automated web tests that are easy to maintain, perform well, and are ultimately resilient, there are some simple guidelines to follow:

  • Write atomic and autonomous tests
  • Group like tests together in small batches
  • Be descriptive
  • Use a Test Runner
  • Store tests in a Version Control System

Selenium Webdriver Commands

As your test suite grows, you will have numerous test files. Each file contains a group of tests that have similar functions. Holden car. For example, you would have one directory for the files that are designed to locate and interact with the page, and another directory for files that perform tests (test to check if something does or does not happen when you interact).

Selenium Python Cheat Sheet

This also enables developers to run a subset of tests to exercise functionality they just modified and enable you to use a Continuous Integration (CI) server to run the right groups of tests at the right time for fast and dynamic feedback. It is helpful to be able to identify which tests you run when you only make changes to certain parts of an application. You may also want to have a subset of tests that is run regularly, on a nightly or weekly basis, to verify performance regularly, so using a certain category of tests for a regular test deployment can be helpful.

Selenium Webdriver Python Cheat Sheet

At the heart of every test suite is some kind of a test runner like Mocha that does a lot of the heavy lifting such as test execution, centralized configuration, and test output. In this course, we will be using the Mocha test runner. Rather than reinvent the wheel, you can use one of the many test runners that exist today. With it you can bolt on third party libraries to extend its functionality if there's something missing.


Behavior Driven Development and Test Driven Development are two important strategies to help you understand how to write effective tests. BDD is a collaborative process that focuses on starting with a business value or need. It's a feature and epic-centric approach to create a requirements analysis. With both BDD and TDD, you plan to write the code for the test first (application code comes later).

TDD is a more granular step that should be taken after a BDD plan is created. The general process involves writing a failing test for particular features (determined previously with the BDD process), then the developer writes the code to lead to a successful run of this test. The goal is to be able to write failing tests that can be turned into a passing test with minimal code modification, and no change to dependencies, base pages, or configuration files.

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