BitNami DokuWiki Stack

Bitnami provides users with a couple of modules, for the SiteCake and DokuWiki web-based applications, that can be deployed on top of an existing LAPP Stack. They are available for download from the project’s homepage or via Softpedia, free of charge.

  1. BitNami DokuWiki Stack I recently installed the BitNami DokuWiki Stack on a Windows XP Pro box, which means that, even though it's running on Windows, it's using Apache as the webserver. It also uses PHP 5.2 and the 2008-05-05 release of DokuWiki, and everything (so far) works perfectly, except spellchecking.
  2. Tags: bitnami boot dokuwiki linux slackware stack start Written by Cristiano Bitnami stacks are a sort of self-contained sets of applications that allow you to run server-side software without touching anything on your operating system.
  3. Bitnami DokuWiki Stack 20180422b-17. An installer that greatly simplifies the installation of Dokuwiki and its runtime dependencies.
  4. DokuWiki Certified by Bitnami (PV) By: Bitnami Latest Version: 20170219e-5-r11 on Ubuntu 16.04 Legacy paravirtualization (PV) instance types are no longer supported.

What if I said install an application stack like LAMP in 5 minutes??

Yes, Bitnami is an absolute revolution in user experience in using free Opensource application on most if not all of your Operating Systems including Solaris,Windows, Mac OS and ofcourse needless to say Linux.


BitNami stacks make it incredibly easy to install your favorite open source software all in just a few clicks. Forget about all those preconfigurations, installing the pre-requisuites, dependencies. Bitnami gives real user experience in installing the applications all in one go. You would feel like installing a software in Windows Operating system by a wizard driven installation process. Application stacks include an open source application and all the dependencies necessary to run it, such as Apache, MySQL and PHP or Ruby. All you need to do is download the Stack, provide a few pieces of information when prompted by the installation wizard, and that’s it. By the time you click ‘finish’, your new application will be ready to run. All stacks have been packaged using BitRock’s multiplatform installer.

The stacks of application range from Infrastructure to Blogs and eLearning. The community is very active and you can request for a stack as well!!!!

The stacks for Linux include


DjangoStack – High-level Python Web framework

JRubyStack – 100% Java implementation of Ruby

LAMP – Apache/MySQL/PHP stack for Linux (You know it!!!)

RubyStack – Ruby on Rails MVC framework DB backed web applications



Roller Stack – Roller Blog server

Bitnami Dokuwiki Stackable

WordPress Stack – WordPress (2.5.1) blogging server

Bug Tracking

Mantis Stack – Mantis, web based Bug tracker

Redmine Stack – Redmine Project Management Application (Ruby on Rails based)

Trac Stack – trac Wiki & bug tracking system


Drupal Stack – Drupal content management platform

eZPublish Stack – eZPublish CMS for web plublishing, intranets, ecommerce etc

Joomla Stack – Joomla, a very popular OpenSource CMS

KnowledgeTree Stack – KnowledgeTree Document management system


phpBB Stack – phpBB, leading opensource forum and bulletin board


Tracks Stack – Tracks, Ruby on Rails based application

Poll Management

opina Stack – Opina, Web based Poll management tool

Portal Server

Liferay stack – Liferay portal framework

Version Control

Subversion Stack – Subversion version control software


DokuWiki Stack – DokuWiki wiki

MediaWiki Stack – MediaWiki, original wiki written for Wikipedia


Bitnami Dokuwiki Stacks

Moodle Stack – Moodle Course Management System

Let’s have a look at the installation of LAMP server on openSUSE:

Download LAMP Stack from here

Change permissions

Switch user to root and change permissions on the downloaded installer

Bitnami dokuwiki stackable

Saihari@Linux:~> su –
Linux:~# chmod 755 bitnami-lampstack-0.9.4-linux-installer.bin

Run the installer

Bitnami Dokuwiki Stacked

Linux:~# ./bitnami-lampstack-0.9.4-linux-installer.bin

This starts the wizard on your openSUSE.

1. Click Forward on the welcome screen

2. Select the folder to install the application stack and clickForward

3. Enter the Root user password and clickForward

4. Enter the phpmyadmin, webadmin for MySQL software “administrator” password and click Forward

5. Now, we are ready to install, select Forward to start the installation

6. Click Finish to launch the application stack

This should launch the default page for Apache with details to launch phpmyadmin and thats it done!!!!

I’ve never installed a LAMP server in less than 5 minutes. Great peice of work!!! For more information and downloads, click here to visit bitnami homepage.

There is an uninstaller script install in the directory selected to install the software which can uninstall the stack completely.

Bitnami stacks are a sort of self-contained sets of applications that allow you to run server-side software without touching anything on your operating system.

After the installation procedure all the needed stuff is located into a folder which can be also relocated, if necessary.

In my opinion these kind of tools are very useful when you have to try something on the fly, but also when you have to deal with an important project.

Normally, in both cases an initial configuration is required (for example you need a LAMP bundle). But the stacks let you to literally skip this configuration phase, so you can dedicate yourself to the main activity without any time loss.

Last week I was trying to setup an internal wiki at home and my choice fell to the DokuWiki stack provided by Bitnami.

I already used DokuWiki in the past. It’s very handy because it stores all the information on text files and so it doesn’t require a database. You only need PHP in practice.

After the end of the installation of the stack I needed a way to run automatically the application on startup.

Here you can find some instructions on how to do that. Unfortunately these instructions work well only for Debian-like and RedHat-like distributions. However, there are some hints that you can also use on Slackware!

Bitnami Dokuwiki Stacker

Starting DokuWiki automatically at boot

BitNami DokuWiki StackStack

At first hand, one could be tempted to simply add a line, like this one below, in /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

What happens if the network is not ready at the time the command here above is launched?

This kind of approach doesn’t work, because we are trying to automatically start an application that needs the network to be up!

The concept is well explained here:

This allowed me to solve the problem. I created a simple script called in /etc/rc.d/ giving execution permissions to it (with chmod +x

Then I added the following lines at the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2:

Now, every time I turn on the PC, after a few seconds I can reach DokuWiki by pointing the browser to the address http://<local_IP_address>:<port>/dokuwiki/.

Note: the default port number used by the Bitnami stack is 8080.

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