Middle Of Nowhere

Minecraft 1.16 100. COMMON If a place is in the middle of nowhere or out in the middle of nowhere, it is in the countryside, a long way from the nearest town. When I was 14, my family moved away from Glasgow to a village in the middle of nowhere. She lives out in the middle of nowhere with her three dogs. See also: middle, nowhere, of. The middle of nowhere An extremely distant, remote, and isolated location. Spo2 normal range by age chart. I'll never understand why they built this campus out here in the middle of nowhere. Affinity photo promo. Even though we were only a few miles outside of town, the empty fields on each side of the cabin made it feel like the middle of nowhere.

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in the middle of nowhere

In a very distant, remote, and isolated location. I'll never understand why they built this campus out here in the middle of nowhere.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*in the middle of nowhere

Fig. in a very remote place. (*Typically: be ~; drive [into] ~; put someone or something [into] ~.) To get to my house, you have to drive into the middle of nowhere.We found a nice place to eat, but it's out in the middle of nowhere.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Middle Of Nowhere

in the middle of nowhere


out in the middle of nowhere

COMMON If a place is in the middle of nowhere or out in the middle of nowhere, it is in the countryside, a long way from the nearest town. When I was 14, my family moved away from Glasgow to a village in the middle of nowhere.She lives out in the middle of nowhere with her three dogs.
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

(be/live) in the middle of ˈnowhere

(informal) (be/live) somewhere that is a long way from other buildings, towns, etc: They own a small farm in the middle of nowhere.The house isn’t easy to find — it’s in the middle of nowhere.
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
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Middle Of Nowhere

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